Personal Injury

Personal Injury Lawyer in Houston, TX

For over 30 years, The Polotko Law Firm has protected the injured person's rights and fought for their due compensation. Steve Polotko is a personal injury lawyer in Houston, TX focusing in all types of negligent physical, mental, and emotional injuries. If your injury is the fault of another person or entity, Steve will challenge them in an attempt to get you the compensation you deserve. Steve has recovered millions of dollars for his clients and defended them against many industries, from auto, oil, and beyond.
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What Is a Personal Injury Attorney?

A personal injury attorney advocates for clients and fights for their just compensation after sustaining an injury caused by the negligent actions of another person or entity. Their duties can include collecting and documenting essential evidence and information, intermediating between their clients and others involved in the legal proceedings, and ensuring their clients' rights and entitlements are protected. Below is a list of the most common types of personal injury claims for which you could receive compensation.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you're a driver, passenger, or pedestrian injured by another driver, you can file a claim. Auto collisions can occur between one or multiple vehicles. A driver can be held liable for your injuries if they were sober, intoxicated, or under the influence of substances.

Workplace Accidents

You may be able to hold your employer accountable if you were injured on the job because of negligence. The types of negligence can include inadequate employee training, failure to establish safety protocols and measures, or operating damaged, broken, or dysfunctional equipment.

Property Accidents

A claim against a property owner or manager may be filed if an avoidable injury occurs. Properties that can be held liable can be residential or commercial. Many accidents on properties occur due to hazardous conditions and failure to make required repairs on the premises.

Am I Eligible for a Personal Injury Claim?

In the state of Texas, persons must file personal injury claims within two years of their accident, but there are exceptions to this rule which you can discuss with your lawyer. Luckily, the eligibility for a personal injury claim is wide and varied. Basically, if you've been injured or impaired due to the negligence of an individual, business, or entity, you likely qualify for a claim. Steve Polotko will thoroughly assess the details of your claim to develop a strong case for you.
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