Automobile Accidents

Devoted Car Accident Lawyer in Houston, TX

If you've been temporarily or permanently hurt in a motor-vehicle-related incident, you can depend on The Polotko Law Firm to fight for you. Steve Polotko has advocated for the rights and entitlements of injured people for over 30 years, generating exceptional results. He has a proven track record of earning millions in compensation for his clients, making their healing and recovery easier. Steve's fees depend on your case's success – he only wins if you win.
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Why File an Auto Accident Claim?

Many motor vehicle accidents happen daily. They are among the leading causes of injury and death in the U.S. While some accidents occur randomly and without anyone to blame, others are caused by a driver or drivers who act negligently. If another driver is responsible for your pain or suffering or they lead to the death of your loved one, you are eligible to earn compensation and justice. Below is a list of the most common types of auto accident claims.

Drunk Driving Accidents

Persons liable for an accident who were intoxicated or under the influence of substances may face more severe consequences than those who are sober. If a drunk driver injures you, they will likely receive a DUI, which will significantly boost your claim's credibility and offer proof of liability.

Pedestrian and Passenger Accidents

Motor-vehicle accident claims apply to pedestrians and passengers, too. If you were negligently hit or struck on a sidewalk or lawfully crossing a street, you could hold the driver liable. Passengers can also file a claim against the driver they were riding with or another driver who caused their injuries.

Rideshare Accidents

Many passengers rely on rideshare services for transportation. If your rideshare driver acts negligently and gets in an accident that causes you injury, you have grounds for a claim. Many rideshare companies have liability insurance, but they can still be held responsible in specific cases and circumstances.

Dealing With Insurance After a Vehicle Accident

Dealing with insurance companies is especially complex and challenging when involving accident and injury claims. Even in situations where a person or entity is obviously liable for an accident, insurance companies are extremely reluctant to pay out full compensation – if they pay out at all. The insurance adjuster's job is to save their company all or as much money as possible. Their tactics include making low offers that fail to adequately compensate the victim. Hiring a motor-accident lawyer is critical to challenging insurance companies and protecting yourself from further harm.
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