18 Wheeler & Truck Accidents

Trusted Truck Accident Lawyer in Houston, TX

If you've been injured by a commercial truck or 18 wheeler, Steve has the experience and knowledge to fully compensate you. He has recovered millions for his clients involved in these types of accidents.
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How to Earn the Most From Your Claim

Trucking can be a dangerous profession. Many motor vehicle accidents involving commercial trucks happen on our highways and interstates daily. These accidents can result in injury or death, leaving survivors to bear the financial and emotional burden. However, Steve's experience will maximize your recovery. You need a trusted, experienced lawyer to help you navigate the process. Below is a list of factors that Steve will consider while determining your compensation.

Injury and Death

A wide range of injuries can happen to people involved in motor-vehicle accidents. These accidents include but are not limited to, scarring, disfigurement, broken bones, and severed limbs. You may file a wrongful death suit if your loved one has perished in an auto / trucking accident.

Financial Loss

Your injuries may reduce your ability to work, leading to a loss of wages and income. Medical bills and the cost of therapies and prescriptions will only add to your financial burdens. Your claim can include the amount of money you've lost due to the accident and how much you deserve to earn.

Emotional Trauma

The pain and suffering experienced after a trucking accident can also manifest mentally and emotionally. If you're experiencing depression, anxiety, trauma, or general life dissatisfaction after your accident, that should be factored into your claim.

Protect Yourself From Predatory Insurance Companies

We encourage you to be wary of insurance companies that may contact you after an accident. They may act like they have your best interests in mind, but ultimately, they only care about saving their company money and will use misleading tactics to do so. Reaching out to a lawyer as soon as possible is crucial to maximizing your recovery. We will fight against the insurance company's attempts to pay out low and recover your finances.
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